2 Factor Authentication
Level up your security with 2 factor authentication
What is 2 Factor Authentication?
2 factor SMS authentication also know as 2F auth, provides an additional layer of security. OTP SMS makes it difficult for attackers and spammers to gain access to any online web accounts, because knowing victim’s password alone is not sufficient to pass the authentication process. Two-factor authentication has widely been used to control access any systems and data, and online services.
Quick Fact
2FA greatly enhances security and reduces the risk of identity theft
2 Factor Authentication Advantages
Improved security
SMS-2FA decreases the probability that an attacker can impersonate a user and gain access to computers, accounts or other sensitive resources.
Enhaced flexibility
Enterprises are embracing mobility as it contributes to higher productivity. With mobile 2FA, employees can securely access corporate applications, data, documents.
Reducing operational costs
2FA also helps companies cut down their operational costs. With this reliable information security solution, the employees can access databases, servers and web portals securely from their devices.
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